The Men of the West- The Men of England, France, Italy and Blackmoor have a religion, society and level of technology similar to that of western Europe in the early 14th century.
The Men of the North- The Norse, the Swedes, and the Hungarians are barbarous reavers who frequently venture forth by ship or horse to plunder the wealth of civilized lands. There are also the Sea Princes, shrewd cosmopolitan traders dwelling in walled cities beyond the Misty Mountains.
The Men of the Wilds- An ancient line of Men who live in the wilderness of Rivenwood and follow pagan Gods of the under the guidance of their Druidic priests. They are not so technically advanced as the other Men of Aglarron.
The Men of the East- Called Saracens or Turks by the Men of the West, the dwellers of the Ottoman Empire are highly civilized and regard their western cousins as godless barbarians. Trade between Aglarron and the Ottoman Turks is common.
Elder Races of Aglarron
Dwarves- The dwarves are somber folk divided into eight ethnic groups which roam Aglarron in diaspora or hunker in their fortresses, hoarding wealth and crafting great works. There are eight clans of dwarves:
Roasted Tool- These dwarves once lived on the island of Gafulforda,
where they forged many wonders with the help of their ancestral
artifact, the Arkenhammer. When the Arkenhammer was burned by the
flames of the wyrm Fafnog, their home was destroyed, and they
wandered Aglarron for centuries. Eventually, the Arkenhammer was
repaired with the help of the halflings of Blackfire Hall, and the
dwarves now seek to build a new homeland. They are allies of the
dwarves of the Twisted Horn.
Cracked Grindstone- These dwarves are regarded as a black-hearted lot
of misers who are all too willing to throw their lot in with
half-orcs, ogres, and other creatures of darkness. They are shrewd
merchants and are known for their elaborate tattoos and piercings.
Their kings are uniformly mad.
Runed Axe- Far to the north lies the snowy island home of these
dwarves. They are an insular lot who do not mine, but live by plunder
and hunting. They ride trained war caribou into battle. They are
allies of the dwarves of the Cracked Grindstone and enemies of the
dwarves of the Lost Shield.
Lost Shield- These dwarves once lived in Paladore, the city which can
only be told of in song, and served as its elite guards. When that
city fell so long ago, the remaining dwarves became wandering tinkers
and mercenaries. Some took oaths of nonviolence out of shame. They
still congregate among the flagstones of Paladore on holy days.
Balding Pate- The halls of these dwarves are said to rest high in the
lofty crags of the Misty Mountains. They conceal their hereditary
baldness under elaborately decorated helms. To prove their bravery,
they seek to wrestle and tame manticores, griffons, and other
dangerous mountain beasts.
Bearded Moon- These dwarves dwell in the iron rich hills at the base
of the western slopes of the Misty Mountains. They are greatly fond
of all things astrological, and never make important decisions
without consulting their elaborate star-charts and celestial
calendars. They dislike elves greatly. They are enemies of the
dwarves of the White Hill and allies of the dwarves of the Balding
White Hill- These dwarves are one of the few clans of elf-friends,
although more so the Aegnor than the Quekkava. Their ancestral home
is a mythical valley in Bretonnea. They have enmity with the dwarves
of the Cracked Grindstone and the Bearded Moon.
Twisted Horn- These dwarves carve their homes from great old growth
trees deep in the cold northern woods. They are perpetually dirty,
and are known friends of the nearly-extinct gnomes. They are friendly
towards the dwarves of the White Hill and the Lost Shield, but they
do not care for those of the Balding Pate.
Hobbits- Hobbits live in Shires which often border upon the lands of Men.
Gnomes- An almost extinct race seldom seen in these days. In battle they can grow to the size of giants.
Lands of Aglarron
England- The islands of Tressair, Gafulforda, and Skara Brae together comprise the great kingdom of Albion. Edward II is currently the king.
France- A pastoral land dotted with walled cities and charming towns and villages. Law
and order prevail here, save for the queer province of Averoigne,
current home of the Catholic curia under Pope Killdragon IX. Philip IV
The Fair is the current monarch.
Blackmoor- A mountainous country south-west of Bretonnea. The land is untamed in many places, and Saracen controlled fortresses are many.
Italy- A peninsula in southern Aglarron. Rome, Florence, and Venice are the major city-states here.
The Ottoman Empire- The land of the Saracens. The Crusades established several Christian kingdoms here, but they have all since fallen and vanished.
The Hinterwilds- A great stretch of lawless, kingless land which lays between the eastern border of Bretonnea and the western slopes of the Misty Mountains. Men of all kinds and other, stranger Folk can be found here, huddling together in petty dominions.
Worldheart- Far to the west, at the center of the world, there lies the mythic island of Worldheart. It is a legendary place where only the greatest heroes of the mortal world may tread. Giant, intelligent seahorses cavort in the waters which ring the pink-white sands of her shores.
Powerful Organizations
The Iron Tower- The oldest magic school in Aglarron. The Iron Tower is fiercely traditional and admits only free Christian Men into its ranks. The curriculum here focuses on the classical Greek and Latin texts and on the spells of the great masters, such as Thales, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Ambrosius, Mordenkainen, and Tenser. The master of the Iron Tower is Lord Maghnus, the Wizard Supreme.
The Church- Centered in France and currently headed by Pope Killdragon XI, the church is undeniably the most powerful political entity in Aglarron. The church has agents, buildings, and supporters in all the lands west of the Ottoman Empire.
Blackmoor- A mountainous country south-west of Bretonnea. The land is untamed in many places, and Saracen controlled fortresses are many.
Italy- A peninsula in southern Aglarron. Rome, Florence, and Venice are the major city-states here.
The Sea Princes- A confederation of prosperous
and cosmopolitan city-states in the north of Aglarron. They count
Lubeck, Hamburg, Luneburg, Bremen, and Goslar among their number.
The Ottoman Empire- The land of the Saracens. The Crusades established several Christian kingdoms here, but they have all since fallen and vanished.
The Hinterwilds- A great stretch of lawless, kingless land which lays between the eastern border of Bretonnea and the western slopes of the Misty Mountains. Men of all kinds and other, stranger Folk can be found here, huddling together in petty dominions.
Worldheart- Far to the west, at the center of the world, there lies the mythic island of Worldheart. It is a legendary place where only the greatest heroes of the mortal world may tread. Giant, intelligent seahorses cavort in the waters which ring the pink-white sands of her shores.
Powerful Organizations
The Iron Tower- The oldest magic school in Aglarron. The Iron Tower is fiercely traditional and admits only free Christian Men into its ranks. The curriculum here focuses on the classical Greek and Latin texts and on the spells of the great masters, such as Thales, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Ambrosius, Mordenkainen, and Tenser. The master of the Iron Tower is Lord Maghnus, the Wizard Supreme.
College of Shadows- The existence of the College of Shadows is something told of only in whispers, but supposedly those who belong to it delve into
radical new magic like Illusionism, as well as the occult traditions
of Stygia and the far East. The College even admits women
and non-humans into its ranks. There is a bitter rivalry between the College of Shadows and the Iron Tower. The College was founded by Martel the
The Church- Centered in France and currently headed by Pope Killdragon XI, the church is undeniably the most powerful political entity in Aglarron. The church has agents, buildings, and supporters in all the lands west of the Ottoman Empire.
Gods of Aglarron
Catholic Powers:
Name | Sign | Effective Cleric Level | Resistance to Appeals | Favors |
God | Leo | Infinite | 7 | Creation, Dominance |
Virgin Mary | Virgo | 10 | 5 | Virginity, Motherhood, Forgiveness |
Michael | Aries | 22 | 7 | Demon Slaying |
Gabriel | Gemini | 21 | 6 | Communication, Dream |
Raphael | Taurus | 20 | 6 | Healing |
Andrew | Pisces | 9 | 5 | Fishing, Food |
James the Great | Scorpio | 10 | 5 | Crusades, Pilgrims, Men of Blackmoor |
James the Lesser | Gemini | 8 | 5 | Brotherhood, Unity, Family |
John | Sagittarius | 23 | 5 | Apocalypse, The Last Battle |
John the Baptist | Aquarius | 7 | 5 | Conversion, Monks and Nuns |
Jude | Cancer | 8 | 4 | Desperate, Hopeless Emergencies |
Peter | Libra | 7 | 5 | Judgment, Entrances |
Philip | Taurus | 5 | 4 | Feeding, Bread, Cookery |
Paul | Pisces | 7 | 5 | Journeys, Water, Robbery, Fatigue |
Thomas | Sagittarius | 8 | 4 | Construction, Builders, Waverers |
Matthias | Scorpio | 8 | 4 | Africa, Deserts, Southerners |
Bartholemew | Taurus | 7 | 4 | Animals, Butchers, Tanners |
Anthony | Pisces | 6 | 4 | Study, Meditation, Occult |
Augustine | Leo | 7 | 4 | Justice, The Law, Judgment |
Christopher | Virgo | 7 | 4 | Journeys by Land |
Francis of Assisi | Sagittarius | 4 | 4 | Bird Control, Poverty, Friars |
George | Aries | 17 | 5 | War, Men of Albion |
Gregory the Great | Leo | 10 | 4 | Slaves, Missionary Expeditions |
Joseph | Virgo | 6 | 4 | Parenthood, Children, Carpenters |
Joseph of Arimathea | Capricorn | 6 | 4 | Guardianship,The Young |
Lawrence | Cancer | 6 | 4 | Alms, Beggars, The Poor |
Mark | Aries | 11 | 4 | Fire, Light |
Luke | Taurus | 10 | 4 | Healing, Physicians, Doctors |
Nicholas | Libra | 7 | 4 | Sailors, Merchants, Thieves |
Jerome | Cancer | 7 | 5 | Thought, Argument, Persuasion |
Matthew | Leo | 7 | 5 | Money, Taxes, Civil Officials |
Catherine | Taurus | 6 | 3 | Death, Health, Nursing |
Patrick | Scorpio | 13 | 4 | Snakes, Magic, Men of Eire |
Sebastian | Sagittarius | 13 | 4 | Archers, Soldiers, Homosexuals |
Agatha | Gemini | 6 | 4 | Air, Disease |
Agnes | Leo | 7 | 3 | Weather |
Aidan | Sagittarius | 7 | 3 | Teaching, Learning, Literacy |
Barbara | Cancer | 12 | 3 | Lightning, Gunners, Miners |
Columba | Pisces | 11 | 3 | Journeys by Sea, Sea Monsters |
Cuthbert | Pisces | 9 | 3 | Prophecy, Foretelling |
David | Aquarius | 8 | 3 | The Welsh, Temperance |
Dunston | Aries | 14 | 3 | Metal-Working, Demon Slaying |
Faith | Virgo | 10 | 3 | Prisoners, Pilgrims |
Giles | Taurus | 9 | 4 | Cripples, Lepers, Healing |
Isidore | Cancer | 8 | 3 | Maths, Philosophy, Theology |
John | Leo | 8 | 3 | Oratory, Persuasion |
Chrysoston Leonard | Virgo | 9 | 3 | Childbirth, Sleep |
Margaret | Scorpio | 13 | 3 | Dragon and Devil Combat |
Martha | Capricorn | 7 | 2 | Service, Slaves, Women |
Martin of Tours | Sagittarius | 10 | 3 | Resurrection, Destruction of Evil Shrines |
Mary Magdalene | Virgo | 6 | 3 | Fallen Women, Forgiveness |
Procopius | Taurus | 8 | 3 | Exorcism, Recovery from Wounds |
Rernigius | Gemini | 7 | 3 | Astral Visions, Poets |
Stephen | Capricorn | 7 | 2 | Earth |
Hilda | Leo | 5 | 3 | Politics, Government |
Eloi | Leo | 6 | 2 | Gold Working, Sacred Objects |
Julian | Julian | 5 | 2 | River-Crossings, Travelers |
Brendon | Libra | 5 | 3 | Discovery, Direction, Men of Eire |
Dympna | Cancer | 4 | 2 | Madness, Fits |
Elmo | Sagittarius | 5 | 3 | Supernatural Fire, Protection |
Hubert | Gemini | 9 | 2 | Hunting, Woods |
Denys | Aries | 8 | 2 | Men of Bretonnea |
Menas | Scorpio | 7 | 2 | Deserts, Camel Drivers |
Moses | Pisces | 8 | 3 | Thieves, Robbery, Raiding |
Nino | Gemini | 4 | 2 | Finding the True Path |
Odile | Taurus | 3 | 2 | Sight, Blindness |
Rupert | Cancer | 5 | 2 | Mines, Underground, Germany |
Vitus | Taurus | 3 | 2 | Frenzy, Health |
Swithin | Scorpio | 3 | 1 | Weather, Storms |
Valentine | Virgo | 5 | 6 | Love, Lovers |
Norse Pantheon:
Name | Sign | Effective Cleric/Magic-User Level | Resistance to Appeals | Areas of Interest |
Odin | Gemini | CL 30/DR 14/MU 30 | 7 | Battle, Magic, Wisdom, Authority, Inspiration, Madness, Poetry |
Aegir | Scorpio | CL 15/MU 10/IL 10 | 5 | Sea and Sailing, Winds, Weather |
Balder | Cancer | CL 12/DR 12/ | 8 | Light, Peace, Happiness, Protection in Battle |
Bragi | Aquarius | CL 10/DR 10/IL 15 | 6 | Poetry, Oaths |
Eir | Taurus | CL 2 | 3 | Healing (Especially Women) |
Forseti | Libra | DR 10/MU 10/IL 10 | 4 | Peace, Settling Arguments, Axes |
Frey | Taurus | CL 13/DR 13/MU 20 | 6 | Fertility, Horses, Burial Mounts, Fields, Protection, Peace |
Freya | Virgo | CL 15/DR 10/IL 15 | 6 | Love, Promiscuity, Witchcraft, Divination, Sea, Birds |
Frigg | Libra | CL 15/MU 18 | 8 | Wifehood, Motherhood, Childbirth |
Fulla | Taurus | CL 3 | 2 | Messages, Abundance |
Fylgjur | Sagittarius | CL 6 | 1 | Personal Protection |
Gefion | Libra | CL 3 | 3 | Virginity, Fields and Farming |
Gerd | Virgo | CL 4 | 5 | Courtship, Seduction, Unmanliness |
Gna | Gemini | CL 3 | 2 | Travel, Communication, Flight, Swiftness |
Heimdall | Leo | CL 12/DR 12 | 7 | Vigil, Passive Strength, Sight and Hearing, Depths of Sea |
Hel | Capricorn | CL 20/DR 10/MU 15/IL 15 | 10 | Death and the Underworld |
Hermod | Aquarius | CL 11 | 6 | Swiftness, Travel, Hosemanship |
Hlin | Libra | CL 4 | 1 | Protection |
Hoder | Capricorn | CL 12 | 9 | Blindness, Darkness, Death |
Hoenir | Taurus | CL 10 | 7 | Silence |
Idun | Gemini | CL 15/DR 14 | 9 | Life, Fertility, Godly Immortality |
Lofn | Virgo | CL 2 | 1 | Marriage, Overcoming Obstacles to Love |
Loki | Aquarius | CL 12/DR 12/MU 11/IL 20 | 10 | Magic, Guile, Fire |
Magni | Aries | May impart Strength spell | 4 | Feats of Strength |
Modi | Scorpio | May impart Berserk state | 4 | Anger, Impetuous Strength |
Nanna | Capricorn | CL 4 | 4 | Loyalty, Mourning |
Nari | Pisces | MU 15 | 4 | Magic |
Njord | Pisces | DR 14 | 6 | Sea, Ships, Wind, Fishing |
Ran | Cancer | DR 8 | 5 | Sea, Sailing, The Souls of the Drowned |
Saga | Pisces | DR 1 | 2 | Fresh Water, Wisdom |
Sif | Leo | DR 12 | 4 | Fertility |
Sigyn | Cancer | CL 4 | 5 | Mercy, Pity |
Skadi | Aries | CL 3 | 5 | Mountains |
Sjofn | Virgo | CL 2 | 3 | Love |
Skirnir | Aquarius | IL 12 | 3 | Light, Guile, Persuasion |
Snotra | Cancer | CL 1 | 1 | Prudence, Moderation, Virtue |
Syn | Leo | CL 1 | 1 | Doors, Protection of Home |
Thor | Sagittarius | DR 10 | 4 | Combat, Weapons, Thunder, Fire, Forests, Feasting, Sea Voyages |
Tyr | Aries | DR 13/PAL 25/IL 10 | 8 | Justice, Law, Battle, Combat |
Ull | Sagittarius | DR 13/IL 12 | 5 | Winter, Hunting, Shields |
Vali | Scorpio | CL 11 | 5 | Vengeance, Purpose |
Valkyries | Aries | May arrive to aid warriors | 2 | War, Individual Combat |
Var | Leo | CL 2 | 3 | Oaths Between Men and Women, Marriages |
Vidar | Gemini | DR 10 | 5 | Forests, Passive Strength |
Greek Pantheon:
Name | Sign | Effective Cleric/Magic-User Level | Resistance to Appeals | Areas of Interest |
Zeus | Leo | CL 20; MU/IL 20 | 7 | Authority, The Sky, Beautiful Women |
Aphrodite | Virgo | CL 10; MU 12/IL 15 | 5 | Sex, Love, Art |
Apollo | Gemini | CL 20/DR 14; MU/IL 15 | 6 | The Arts, The Sun, Healing |
Ares | Aries | IL 10 | 3 | War, Bloodthirst |
Artemis | Gemini | DR 14; IL 10 | 6 | Purity, The Hunt |
Athena | Libra | CL 20/DR 14; MU/IL 12 | 7 | The Law, Learning, Tactics |
Demeter | Taurus | DR 14; IL 15 | 6 | Agriculture, Domesticity |
Dionysus | Taurus | CL 15; MU/IL 13 | 5 | Wine, Intemperance, Irrationality |
Hades | Capricorn | CL 20; IL 25 | 6 | Death, Wealth |
Hecate | Cancer | DR 14; MU/IL 20 | 3 | Sorcery, The Night |
Hephaestus | Scorpio | MU 18 | 5 | Creation, Blacksmithing |
Hera | Virgo | CL/ 15; MU/IL 12 | 7 | Marriage, Virtue |
Hermes | Gemini | DR 14; IL 15 | 5 | Travel, Messengers, Magic, Medicine |
Poseidon | Pisces | CL/DR 12; MU/IL 17 | 6 | Sea Travel, Sea Creatures |
Tyche | Aquarius | MU/IL 15 | 3 | Luck, Games of Chance, Risk |
Celtic Pantheon:
Name | Sign | Effective Cleric/Magic-User Level | Resistance to Appeals | Areas of Interest |
Dagda | Leo | CL 15/ DR 14; MU/IL 15 | 7 | Authority, Multiplicity, Strength, Polymorph, Resurrection |
Arawn | Capricorn | CL 20/DR 14 | 6 | Death, The Dead |
Brigit | Sagittarius | DR 14 | 6 | Fire, Poetry, Song |
Diancecth | Taurus | CL 25/DR 14; MU 12 | 7 | Healing, Medicine |
Dunatis | Aries | CL 15 | 6 | Mountains, Fortitude |
Goibhnie | Libra | DR 14 | 6 | Smithing, Amulet Crafting |
Lugh | Aquarius | Can use any spell or ability | 6 | Light, Generalities, Mimicry |
Manannan Mac Lir | Pisces | CL 25 | 6 | The Sea |
Morrigan | Scorpio | DR 10 | 5 | War |
Nuada | Scorpio | DR 10 | 5 | War |
Oghma | Virgo | CL/DR 15; MU/IL 18 | 7 | Knowledge, Storytelling |
Silvanus | Gemini | CL/DR 14; IL 19 | 6 | Forests, Nature, Animals |
Finnish Pantheon:
Name | Sign | Effective Cleric/Magic-User Level | Resistance to Appeals | Areas of Interest |
Ukko | Leo | CL 20; MU 25 | 10 | Sky, Air, Birds, Authority |
Ahto | Pisces | CL 10; MU/IL 15 | 6 | |
Hiisi | Capricorn | CL 15; IL 15 | 3 | Evil |
Ilmatar | Libra | CL/DR 13; MU 20 | 6 | Mothers, Mercy, Compassion, Healing |
Kiputytto | Cancer | CL/DR 14; MU/IL 15 | 5 | Plague, Pestilence, Sickness |
Loviatar | Virgo | CL/DR 12; MU/IL 10/15 | 5 | Hurt, Pain |
Mielikki | Gemini | CL/DR 14; MU/IL 12 | 4 | Nature, The Forest, Animals |
Surma | Capricorn | CL/DR 14; MU/IL 12 | 5 | Death |
Tuonetar | Capricorn | CL 15; MU/IL 20 | 5 | The Underworld |
Tuoni | Capricorn | CL 20; MU/IL 20 | 5 | Death, The Underworld |
Untamo | Cancer | CL 15; IL 25 | 7 | Sleep, Dreams |