Session the Sixteenth

-Exploration, including fighting lava children and running away
-Using a commune spell with St. Cuthbert to find out the correct use of the scroll scraps. 
 -The party finds an immense chamber of purple stone at the center of which is a stalagmite/stalactite pair between which rests an orb of impenetrable darkness. Cruum surmises that this must be one of Nidhoggr's eggs. Andronikos senses that he is capable of controlling this force, but declines to do so.
-The party finds the final chamber of the cave, in which rests an immense Roman sundial wrought of iron upon which falls a sing shaft of watery light. Speaking the Word of Power shatters this, freeing the wizard Merlin from his long stasis. He is impassive when told of Orestia's longing for him, chuckling and making a quip about "a bit of action on the side."
-The party re-encounters the lava children with Merlin in tow; the great wizard annihilates them with an excellent prismatic spray stored within his staff.
-The wizard levitates the party through the cave's watery entrance. Once outside, he calls upon the Five Winds to pick up the party and carry them to Gafulforda (Cornwall).
-Leads the PCs to a humble cottage and retrieves some spell books, then out to a field where rests Artur's Dolmen. The wizard speaks some arcane words, and lightning splits the dolmen in twain, revealing the figure of King Arthur returned. Merlin enjoins the PCs to kneel before the true king of all Aglarron.
-The PCs reluctantly bend the knee to the the reborn Arthur, feeling wary about the whole thing, except for Andronikos.

Session the Fifteenth

Exploration of the Cave of Mists:  

-Fighting a giant troll in a room full of mist that renders all combatants invisible.

-Ice trolls, margoyles, and silver golem. 

-Talk to galeb duhr. 

-Fight invisible stalker, encounter carnivorous amber mist.

Session the Fourteenth

Session the Fourteenth

-Cruum finds the sword Ogrenix grasped in the hand of a petrified warrior.

-The party finds a house, inside a vase containing a gem. They take the vase. Fray talks to earth worms.

-The party encounters centaurs. A bloody battle, four of them are slain, the others surrender & are allowed to keep their lives.

-The party encounters satyrs in a willow grove with faces. The satyrs challenge them, but when they hear the quest is to help a comely young maiden, they readily join.

-Battle at the oak tree. A sylph and five pixies are fought. Most opponents are invisible, but eventually overcome. Ogrenix proves its worth against magic-using creatures.

-Inside the tree among pixie treasures is a large glob of sap containing Beatrice's soul. The party takes this back to Zilia and frees Beatrice.

-The fourth word of power impresses itself upon Baraldur's brain, driving him briefly insane.

-The party travels to the cave of mists, impresses all four words upon Baraldur's suffering brain, and speaks out the word of power.

-The barrier shatters, causing strange phenomena the world over.

-The party enters the cave of mists.

-One room contains a stalactite dripping black liquid into a natural bowl. This liquid produces impenetrable black mist when dripped upon the ground.

-The next room contains a large pool of deep blue water with seven shafts of light falling into it.

-It also contains a vitriol essence, which is destroyed by a depth charge.

-Baraldur explores the pool & subjects himself to the effects of white and green mist.

-Through experimentation the party discovers that the bottom of the pool emerges into air. They put on their armor and dive through. Emerging from the other side causes them to fall 20' into a chamber. Two of Cruum's men die from this.

-The party crosses a bridge overspanning a river of flame. Two ettins challenge them and are slain. The party encounters a set of heavy iron doors & loots the ettin's treasure, which consists of some coins and gems.

Session the Thirteenth

-Travelling back to Aghione, the party consulted Kleber, the palace's resident scholar and personal tutor to Princess Aurelie. Kleber informed them that knowledge of the fourth Word might be gleaned from either Dido of Capricorn or Boethus of Aquarius.

-Andronikos attempted to purchase poison, but was unsuccessful.

-Cruum spent a great deal of gold to find a hireling. His call was answered by a young warrior named Jean-Baptiste, and the dwarf took him on as his shield-mate and apprentice.

-Taking a great overland journey, the party decided to visit Boethus of Aquarius.

-The Atlantean was discovered in a seaside grove, issuing a haughty challenge to the interlopers.

-Cruum attempted to overawe the apparent youth boasting strength of arms. The youth produced and aluminum amphora which shot a torrent of water which knocked the sturdy dwarf from his feet.

-Andronikos enchanted the Atlantean scion made to bargain with him, asking after scrolls or Atlantean artifact. Boethus expressed disdain for the accumulation of such trifles. He was however forthcoming about the location of the Word, stating that it had fallen into a forest tarn north of the village of Zilia. A young woman drinking from the tarn had inadvertently taken the Word upon herself.

-Many in the party recalled Zilia as the first settlement they encountered upon the island.

-Heading to Zilia, the party inquired after rumors of any young ladies known to wander the northern woods. They heard of a tanner's daughter, Beatrice, not unknown to them.

-At the tanner's home, they found the girl comatose, with her grieving father and an ineffectual village priest flinging droplets of holy water and droning scripture.

-The priest, Father Pascal, held that the girl was shot of elves, her spirit stolen. If her spirit were not reunited with her body soon, she would wither and die.

-The party investigated the tarn, which lay not far from the cave from which they first emerged upon the island.

-Something peppered Cruum and Baraldur with tiny arrows coated with soporific venom as they searched the area. Fray caused the invisible attacker to fall from the air with a spell of holding while Andronikos induced it to reveal itself by a charm.

-The diminutive archer, a pixie, was induced by further threats to reveal the location of the girl's spirit with his kinfolk in the forest of talking beasts to the north. The party made haste to that place at once.

-At the edge of the forest, the party encountered Brieg the woodsman's humble cottage. He allowed them to stay the night. It was noted that Brieg and his folk lived in terror of the fair ones dwelling in the forest, and Brieg's wife prudently furnished a nightly saucer of milk on the croft.

-Heading into the forest heedless of Brieg's warnings, the party encountered the sight of an ancient battle, littered with bones. The bones of two warriors arose and did battle. The creatures could only be harmed by enchanted weapons, such as Baraldur's trident and the great black sword taken from Edulf.

-Unfortunately, Edulf's blade was in the possession of one of Cruum's hirelings, all of whom had fled from the skeletal warriors. Andronikos was able to find the wayward soldier, reclaim the blade and bring it back to Cruum.

-The battle was thus won, with much hacking and hewing and the shattering of vials of holy water.

-Further along the forest path, the party found a circle of ice blue stones from which issued the voice of Pelagius the Sorcerer, entreating them to leave him to his rest and bemoaning the inferiority of the present. Cruum by eloquent words convinced the wizard that the party's quest was one which would have seemed fair even in the dawn of the world. The wizard gave his blessing and advised them that the statues ahead amongst the circular ruins were unnatural and troublesome.

-The path split in twain, with one direction indicated by a dilapidated sign as "Sorrow's Path." After brief deliberation, the party decided to take the path, heedless of its name.

-The road grew dark and a terrible gloom settled on the hearts of the companions. Their resolve was sapped and their health waned as they walked the cursed path.

-The party encounters Ser Geoffroi de Riventosa, a questing knight traveling with his squire Phippe and his steed Boniface. Ser Geoffroi identified himself a champion serving the Lord of the Invisible Fortress, on a quest of atonement for slaying a fellow knight in a tourney. He challenged the bravest of the party to stand forth and face him in single combat.

-Cruum took up the challenge, only to see the contest nullified by a Charm Person spell from Andronikos. In light of his ensorcelment, Ser Geoffroi was glad to accompany the party on their way through the woods.

-Soon the brave companions came upon the circular ruins upon which the shade of Pelagius had counseled them. Standing all around were statues of warriors, their features obscured by wind and weather and creeping mold.

-Searching amongst the statues, the party was ambushed by a foul basilisk, but the creature was slain before anyone could be petrified by its deadly gaze.

Session the Twelfth

-Andronikos prepared and cast find familiar, calling into his service the screech owl, Narses.
-Cruum had forged a weapon ever-dripping with venom, Cnidursus.

-The party headed up into the mountains.

-At the base of the mountains, they met Thierry of the True Sight, a young cleric in the service of the Order of St. Michel of the White Cross. Thierry told them he had been ordered by the Bishop himself to aid them in their quest.

-Up into the mountains they went, and found themselves walking upon a glacier. Progress was slow and weather frequently inclement.

-In the midst of their journey, they discovered a cave in which shone a jade colored light. The cave was warm, and through the air swam many colorful fish. The adventurers rested within the bounds of the cave.

-Heading further along the glacier, the party encountered a great remorhaz, the furnace-worm which lairs in cold places. Though it was a fearsome opponent, it was eventually destroyed.

-At last the demesne of the ice wizard was reached. A great archway carved with towering caryatids sparkled in the sunlight.

-Heading within, the fellowship discovered the wizard's domicile to contain furniture and architecture carved from solid ice. A four-armed ice golem attempted to stop their encroachment, but was destroyed.

-The Ice Wizard himself tried to prevent ingress to his laboratory. Andronikos improved the wizard's temperament with regards to himself, but the conjuror was ill-disposed to the rest of the fellowship, and even Fray's hold person spell was insufficient to suppress the wizard's manipulation of ice.

-At length and in fear of his life the wizard begged for parley, and allowed Andronikos into his laboratory to retrieve the Word of Power, which was contained in a twelve-sided gem of nevermelting ice. While in the laboratory, Andronikos declined to test the contents of a large copper kettle, bubbling despite the cold and dribbling a milky fog over its sides.

-As the adventurers trekked back across the glacier, they were ambushed by a trio of yetis, though none met the creature's terrible gaze.

-During a layover in the strange ocean-cave, Andronikos experimented with the fish therein, finding that they lost their ability to swim in and breathe air when removed from the cave mouth.

-Once the party came down from the mountains, Thierry took his leave of them, stating that he had other business elsewhere on the island to attend to.

Session the Eleventh


The brave warriors were showered with accolades and silver for their deeds. Being guests of the palace, they availed themselves of the library hoping to turn up information relevant to their quest, but the stars were not in their favor. Kleber, the palace's scholar-in-residence, was able to supply them with the information that one of the remaining word-shards was in the possession of a man known as the Ice Wizard, who resided in a cave accessible only by a glacier in the western mountains of Corsinia.


Bishop Gerard de Centuri summoned the newly knighted Ser Fray to the cathedral. The meeting concerned the fate of the perfidious Armand's surviving minion, the Turk warrior Malik of Tunis. Naturally the king's first inclination was to let the blackguard rot in the oubliette or to be drawn and quartered, but since the man's crime had been an attempt on the Bishop's life, the holy man's word had some influence.


He offered to intercede on the Turk's behalf, remanding him to the custody of Fray, who was to put the Turk onto the true path, ensuring the salvation of his soul. Fray, still feeling remorse for his failure to protect the lovely Donusa from being made an offering to a pagan deity, readily accepted. He conferred upon Malik the name of Isaac. "Isaac" seemed resigned to his fate, but presently unwilling to contemplate conversion.


Andronikos had called bootlessly to heaven during the battle with Armand, and now had to pay the price. The Bishop told the wizard that he had been granted a vision of Saint Margaret in a dream, in which the saint had charged him to give a certain clay jar containing her apocryphal testaments to the young wizard and charge him to deliver the scrolls into an ocean crevice roughly 13 miles off the coast of the island. Andronikos agreed to this and hired a fishing vessel, begging the assistance of Baraldur and his magical trident, which could ensure the help of local sea-life in ensuring the scroll's arrival in the trench.


Meanwhile, Cruum had a dream in which the Allfather charged him to head to a local tavern, "Le Corbeau" and there offer whatever assistance he could to a man he would find there. Heading to the tavern next morning, he made the acquaintance of Thorolf Ulfsson, a viking warrior whose longboat had been wrecked by a great sea worm three years past. Ulfsson had turned to trading to support himself after the loss of his crew. Currently he sought to transport his goods for sale in the village of Piéve, but had been unable to find local men willing to brave the island's queer wilderness. One night, in a drunken rage, the Norseman had cursed the island's weak-hearted men, calling out to the Allfather to send him a worthy traveling companion. It seemed his plea had reached Odin after all. Cruum agreed to travel to Piéve with Thorolf and be his shield-mate until bloody death or the attainment of the village's borders.


The first leg of the journey was uneventful. As the party arrived in the town of Porri, Andronikos sought to discover whether any spells might be acquired locally. He was disappointed to find no peddlers of occult lore, but did hear a rumor concerning the presence of a pride of African lions living on a plain to the southwest of the town. Sensing sorcery afoot, Andronikos convinced his fellows to accompany him to the plain. There the party discovered a sheltered aureate meadow populated with sunflowers, marigolds, and palm and orange trees. Loping lazily about were a pride of 12 male lions. Cruum, insensate the natural beauty surrounding him and sensing only the profit he might make from the pelt of one of the magnificent creatures, fired a crossbow bolt into a nearby lion. The beast charged, and its fellows made ready to do so as well. The guardian of the meadow, Sestus of Leo, also came running. Clad in yellow garments and golden plate armor, the scion of Atlantis was terrible to behold in his anger, his fair-haired head actually transforming into the visage of a lion. In this form he fired bolts of radiant sunlight from his eyes, one of which struck Cruum and did the dwarf a great deal of damage.


Andronikos in a rare display of bravery charged towards the furious Atlantean, dodging a blast of radiance which would surely have been his doom. He cast an enchantment over the lion-headed man, mitigating his rage and ensuring his good will for a time. With the meadow's guardian charmed, Andronikos was able to broker a peace and secure the purchase of some scrolls containing a some spells of the lower echelons. The body of the one slain lion was left in the field to be tended to by its surviving brothers. The party hastily took leave of the sun-drenched plain, lest the Atlantean should recover from the charm placed upon him.


The next leg of the journey found the party traveling through trackless wilderness in the primeval forests which covered much of the island. One day, as rain began to fall, the warriors spotted an immense monstrosity crashing through the greenery ahead. The beast resembled a 22 foot tall emaciated panda with a long tail terminating in a bony spike. It was soon found that the beast was only vulnerable to bronze or magical weapons. Thus Baraldur's pearl trident and the great two-handed black blade owned by Cruum were the only reliable methods of hurting it. Combat began with the creature charging Cruum, biting him and not letting go. During subsequent rounds of combat, it lashed with its tail at Baraldur, laying the warrior low. After the creature was killed, Fray was able to rescue the warrior with the aid of forest herbs. Isaac contributed a share of medical knowledge which the European party members found highly dubious- hot water and clean bandages? Clearly the savage had much to learn. Nonetheless his ideas were entertained and Baraldur survived, though the warrior was forever weakened by the foul poison of the beast's sting.


The party finally reached Piéve. Cruum paid a substantial sum to have the panda-creature's sting forged into a poisonous broadsword. Andronikos attempted to sell the creature's severed head, but met with surprisingly little interest in the local market.

Session the Tenth

-Andronikos buys a new spell at the market from a dealer of "Genuine Atlantean Artifacts"- Rose Moles In All Stipple Upon Trout That Swim. Fray buys an Atlantean coin.

-Fray attempts to talk the Bishop into aiding his altar-converting quest, but gets rebuffed. Fray declines to mention his heretic status to the Bishop.

-The party notices two robed men watching them in the Cathedral plaza. They also observe a cleric clad in a red surcoat with a white cross speaking to these men.

-Party goes to cathedral for guard duty. Witnesses mass in King's honor, followed by procession to palace.

-The party gets put on ball room detail, and told they are to stand quietly and interact with no one. A seneschal finds their appearance an affront to the event's decorum and drapes each warrior with great garlands of flowers. To his horror, the party moves about and attempts conversation with more than a few partygoers.

-The party notes the robed Turks from earlier are in attendance, along with a veiled figure

-They also note the brief presence of a man in meal-colored cloak, but cannot trace him. They follow him to the kitchens and garden, but cannot find him.

-The feast begins

-Feast proceeds, at end Armand the cleric stands up and proclaims that the king has yet one more gift awaiting him. He tells one of his Turk henchmen to take the bishop home.

-Party splits up: Fray and Andronikos follow the king, cleric, turk & veiled figure, while Cruum & Baraldur follow the Bishop.

-Cruum & Baraldur witness the Turk draw scimitar & dagger and attempt to kill the Bishop. They intervene, knocking out Malik & rescuing the Bishop. They tie Malik up and head for the Palace.

-Fray & Andronikos see the king & others go into a room, which the turk guards. Andronikos attempts to use Charm Person on the turk but fails & is given a nasty wound. Fray casts Hold Person & instantly slays the other Turk.

-Andronikos runs away and uses his staff of healing.

-Fray enters the room & witnesses a beautiful dancer performing a lascivious dance which induces the king to renounce God & make Armand the new Bishop. Fray casts hold person on the dancer, Donusa, & Armand and attempts to kill Armand, but the cleric's incredibly high number of hit points prevent this.

-Andronikos heads for the room & witnesses the man in the meal-colored cloak approaching the room. He attempts another charm person and gets nailed with a poisoned dagger for his trouble. He passes his saving throw and lives, however.

-The assassin smoothly continues into the room & throws another envenomed dagger into the king's back, killing him. Avoiding entanglement with Fray & Andronikos, he flees, taking a few damage.

-As the assassin is leaving through the palace gates, Cruum & Baraldur accost & kill him.

-Fray puts many arrows in Armand but cannot kill him. Armand breaks free of the spell, draws an axe and engages Fray in combat. Andronikos attempts to call upon Saint Margaret to exorcise Armand, but fails and is placed under penance. Eventually Armand is overcome and dies, though he makes many attempts to talk Fray into converting to diabolism.

-Cruum & Baraldur arrive. Cruum prays to Odin, offering up a sacrifice of gems and the dancer, Donusa, despite her pleas for mercy. The dwarf successfully petitions the Allfather and King Tarquin is restored to life. Odin places Cruum under geas.

-Tarquin II thanks the warriors & promises them a great reward. The princess gives them a small red-and-gold box containing a shard of the Word of Power. Cruum enjoins the King to offer yearly thanks to Odin.

-Fray is knighted as a member of the Knights of Saint Michel of the White Cross by the order's head, Bishop Gerard de Centuri.